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·       Invited to be a member and a contributing photographer at the VII Foundation and the VII Photo

·       As an educator in the VII Academy, teaches a free tuition12-week seminar for Latin American students


·       Awarded the 9th Pierre Verger Prize with the project “Krenak Reformatory | Fragments of an Underground Memory - Salvador / Bahia

·       Exhibition in the Bahia National Museum with the project “Krenak Reformatory | Fragments of an Underground Memory - Salvador / Bahia

·       Selected for the Coliffe International Short Film with the project “Miguel Rio Branco | Redefining the Image - Rome / Italy

·       Awarded Best Documentary by FAS Film Festival with his short film “En Bora | Beyond Amazon´s Riverbanks” – Itabuna / Bahia


·       As an educator in the VII Academy, teaches a free tuition12-week seminar for Latin American students


·       Honorable Mention in POY Latam’s category Nuestra Mirada with the project “En Bora | The Amazon's True Guardian”

·       Publishes a multimedia article on the revolutionary work of Claudia Andujar on VII Insider. To read and watch please go to:

·       Awarded in the BarTur Photo Award with his project “En Bora | The Amazon's True Guardian”

·       Exhibition in COP26 in Glasgow, Scotland with his project “En Bora | The Amazon's True Guardian”


·       Selected for the Courts Critiques Film Festival with "En Bora - Beyond Amazon's Riverbanks" - Montreal/Canada

·       Selected for the Intimalente/Intimalens Film Festival with "En Bora - Beyond Amazon's Riverbanks" - Caserna/Italy

·       Selected for the MICMX - Muestra Itinerante De Cine Mexico Film Festival with "En Bora - Beyond Amazon's Riverbanks" - Mexico

·       Selected for the Religion Today Film Festival with "En Bora - Beyond Amazon's Riverbanks" - Trento/Italy

·       Selected as a semifinalist at the Africa Film for Impact Festival Film with "En Bora - Beyond Amazon's Riverbanks" - Abuja/Nigeria


·       Exhibition and Finalist at FestFoto International Photography Festival with the project "En Bora - Beyond Amazon's Riverbanks - Porto Alegre/Brazil

·       Attended XXXII Eddie Adams Workshop - Jeffersonville/NY

·       Attended New York Times Portfolio Review - New York City/NY

·       Selected for the Humano Human Rights Film Festival with "En Bora - Beyond Amazon's Riverbanks" - Tijuana/Mexico

·       Selected for the Diversidarte Film Festival with "En Bora - Beyond Amazon's Riverbanks" - Coruña/Spain

·       Selected as a finalist for the International Moving Fillm Festival with "En Bora - Beyond Amazon's Riverbanks" - Abadan/Iran

·       Honorable Mention at the IXInternational Ethnographic Film Festival with "En Bora - Beyond Amazon's Riverbanks" - Recife/Brasil

·       Selected for the Penedo Film Festival with "En Bora - Beyond Amazon's Riverbanks" - Penedo/Brasil


·       Selected to be a member of the VII Mentor Program

·       Shortlist Lucie Foundation Grant with the project “En Bora – Beyond Amazon ́s Riverbanks”

·       Shortlist Emerging Photographer Fund Burn Magazine with the project “En Bora – Beyond Amazon ́s Riverbanks”

·       Finalist Nominee International Photography Grant with the project “En Bora – Beyond Amazon ́s Riverbanks”

·       Exhibition and Finalist at Vilnius Photo Circle Festival with the project “En Bora – Beyond Amazon ́s Riverbanks” – Vilnius/Lithuania

·       Silver Medal at Festival Mostra Curta Canedo for Best Documentary Film “Pena e Maraca” – Senador Canedo/Brasil

·       Selected for the Short Film Festival Luso Afro Brasileiro with “Pena e Maraca” – Fortaleza/Brasil


·        Exhibition at Foto em Pauta Photography Festival with a collective project “Ritos e Rituais” – Tiradentes/Brasil



·       Recipient of Ernesto Bazan’s Sergio Barra Scholarship BazanPhotos

·       Exhibition at “6a Mostra SP de Fotografia” with a personal project “Axe” – São Paulo/Brasil

·       Exhibition solo at Gallery 80 with a personal project “Article 6” – Rio de Janeiro/Brasil

·       Exhibition solo at Gallery Arca Urbana with a personal project “Article 6” – Rio de Janeiro/Brasil

·       Selected for the Short Film Festival Visões Periféricas with “Article 6” – Rio de Janeiro/Brasil


·        Selected artist for the Cape Verde International Photography Festival (FIFCV) with a personal project “The Uprising” – Cape Verde/Africa

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