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my time to vote now | an e-Título generation

Over the last three years, President Jair Bolsonaro has consistently posed a threat to our democratic institutions. Presently, he shifts his attention to our electronic voting system, a system that has functioned successfully since 1996 and is fortified with state-of-the-art electronic security measures. In the event of his defeat at the polls on October 2, the gravity of the situation intensifies, as he has hinted at declaring election fraud, raising the specter of a military coup or a violent partisan upheaval akin to the January 6 Capitol Riot in the US.

Conversely, earlier this year, over two million young individuals registered to vote, primarily utilizing an official mobile application (e-Título) or online platforms, marking their inaugural participation in the electoral process. This endeavor unequivocally fortifies our democratic framework, establishing a historic milestone achieved through an extensive public relations campaign on social media platforms, which enlisted the support of celebrities such as Leonardo DiCaprio and Mark Ruffalo.

This series of portraits seeks to delve into the perspectives of these young voters amidst this intricate political juncture in the country. The objective is to glean their insights on the current political landscape, ascertain their confidence in the existing electoral system, and explore how technology can serve as a pivotal instrument in fostering more inclusivity and diversity within the Brazilian democratic process. Furthermore, the inquiry delves into the pressing issues that resonate with them, questioning their belief in the transformative power of voting and its potential to reshape the reality that envelops them. As we approach what is deemed the most pivotal election in our recent history, can this generation utilizing e-Título truly make a discernible impact?

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